
Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Adapting to Change in the Workplace (With Examples)

Our understanding of career stability is being challenged and redefined like never before. So if change is a given, we’ve got to get better at navigating it. Whether you're contemplating a career pivot, facing industry shifts, or simply seeking to infuse your career path with more intentionality, this post is your guide. 

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Career, Strategic Planning Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career, Strategic Planning Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

The Linear Career Path No Longer Exists

"I'm afraid of making a mistake. I'm afraid of making the wrong choice."

One of my clients is wrestling with the next step of her career. She feels as though the path she chooses at this point will determine the course of her career—like one choice is a mountain where she'll start at the bottom and determinedly, over time work her way up to the top.

But what if she makes the wrong choice? Does it mean that if she changes her mind, she'll need to go all the way to the bottom of another mountain and start all over again?

This may have been how things worked in the past, but it's not how they work today... 

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

How To Know When It's Time To Leave

This week, I've talked with two separate people who told me that, if asked about their current work situations, they would likely burst into tears. These are awesome, passionate, mission-driven people, who have so much to contribute to a team and a workplace. But they are encountering some big, uncomfortable feelings—something is calling them to take the next steps in their careers.  

The feeling that it's time to move on is an inconvenient one, with a lot of complex questions and daunting tasks.

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